@ Rick's Cafe, Movie World, Surfer's Paradise

@ Rick's Cafe, Movie World, Surfer's Paradise
Beautiful pix courtesy of Pak Zeus @ Studioline Photography

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hope this doesn't become a white elephant.

This is my first ever posting. Not even sure if this will last. Anyway, no time like the present (I'm on MC coz of tonsillitis) to do something I've been meaning to do for quite a while.

I'm calling it my
Mom-moirs, as its mostly my observations of my kids. I'm so busy at work and find that I forget things quite easily; meanwhile the kids are growing up super fast. So, I've found the need to immortalise their daily capers coz before I know it, they'll be off to college. And the kids will have something to laugh about when they grow older too (translated as: much tales to tell in your wedding toasts, boys!).

So, hopefully, I'll keep at this.
Bonne chance à la Mama!

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